
What's to come...

 So I have finally gotten a new computer! 

This means that my reviews can go back to being done on time again.... I hope. At least now, if they aren't being done, it is because I was lazy and not because I wrote the review a million times and it kept crashing! Yes that was part of why it wasn't getting done. I had to borrow a computer to get the ones that did get done actually posted! 

The other problem was that I was usually having a hard time moving and I didn't have a laptop that could handle anything yet. I still don't have a laptop but my computer space is now set up to keep me warm so the cold can't aggravate my Fibromyalgia and that means I can work at my desktop!

I really am sorry to anyone who was waiting for reviews! I will work to catch up little by little over the next month. To be honest, I kind of want to wait for after New Years. With Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up I really should worry about m girls and not my blog. When I think about writing before New Years I know that I'll scramble to get as many of the missed reviews done as I can and that would take up all my time. Then my girls miss out on me and any fun we might have had. I hope you have plans to have fun too!!! After all, it's the holidays!

I really do appreciate all of you that have stuck around and waited while I went through all the crap preventing me from writing. It really does mean a lot to me!

(thank you very much!)

I thought I would end with showing you an image I made under fare usage of a free wallpaper base. I changed a lot of things in it making it my own but the place I posted it for sale ended up telling me I couldn't do that. I guess they wanted to avoid having to fight for me if anyone complained.

So this is the image I made... I copied the basic setup but it isn't the same by any means... In my opinion there is a drastic difference between the two. I'll share the image I used as inspiration below but please remember that sometimes art is meant to have elements that are similar or look the same.

I personally feel the concept of two trees on an island when it's night is a common concept but that might be just me! Oh well their loss right? If your wondering.. Mine is called "Fantasy Night" and I am going to be looking for a sight to make it available for purchase at some point. So I ask that you don't copy or reshare it on any social media please.

So now I'm going to go and I'll do what I can but please remember what I asked of you... Please don't be upset if my posts aren't regular or on time until after New Years!

Thanx for reading my post even though I've been crap at it lately!
Hope you have an amazingly magical night everyone!

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