
Spotlight Review Wednesday: Anime 1~27~2016

Spotlight Review


Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta


In a town where humans and demons co-exist, it takes more than a normal police force to maintain the peace. Enter the Hiizumi Life Counseling Office, a fantastic foursome of unique teenagers, each gifted with an amazing super power

My review!!!

The Anime this week was A hard one to find online! However I did manage to find it on a site I have come to trust. (I've never gotten viruses from them) Here is the link to episode 1...

Yozakura Quartet Hana no Uta Episode 1 English Subbed at gogoanime

Originally I only planned to watch up to episode 5 but it was so entertaining that I ended up watching the whole thing. The fights are done nicely and there is definatly a feeling of "there is something deeper going on" even in the earlier episodes! It makes you feel like you have to know what it is!!!

I love this picture of them!!!

These four seem to be considered the main quartet but they have help from others... Here is a pic of them all together just so you can see what I mean!

In one way or another everyone in this helps them at least a little.

If you want to know how you need to watch it!!!

Now to rate it

On a scale of 1 to 10 with ten being a "perfect-must-read" rating I give this...

I really liked this one! The characters and story are well thought out too.. I definitely recommend it!
There are even some Land Gods in the mix!!!
The range of types of supernatural people is amazing and original too... I never would have thought of mixing mermaids and vampires into one character like they did here!
Add the thought of another dimension and that youkai aren't supposed to be in ours along with only one type of person being able to tune the youkai to the right dimension and you have a hit!!!!

I know there is more to the story but I couldn't find the videos anywhere!! I'll end this here... Wouldn't want to ruin it for ya! I'll keep looking for the videos though and if I do find them then I will post them for you in another blog!

Hope you enjoyed reading the review!

As always... Thanx for reading my posts!!!

Have an amazing day!!!


Something interesting....

This weekend I watched a video by Einshine that talked about google translate... OMG so funny! If you get the time you should go check it out! I would link it but I haven't been given permission as of yet to link to his videos and well we all know I'm crazy when it comes to that!

I have to have permission!!!

Anyhow... This video got me thinking... lets have a little fun!

I'm going to check out just how dumb google translate can be!!! I am going to write a sentence or phrase in English and have google translate it... Then take the translation and translate it back to English... I am going to do this a total of 11 times so we get the answer in English again... And I'll share the start and end sentences with you all.

Don't get me wrong... I use translate for single words and figure out how to put the sentences together myself or I ask my pen-pal for help with the composition. Translate is a good tool... If you use it the right way! If not... You sound like these...

Where should we go shopping
If I do not need to go shopping

She sells seashells by the sea shore
(this one came out right each time when translating it back into English so dunno if it was wrong in Japanese) 彼女は海の海岸によって貝殻を販売 (I don't know kanji very well sooooo I can't say if it is wrong or right... Sorry!)

The next one is part of a kids song so I'm going to put each English translation (5 total)

Mares eat oats and goats eat oats and little lambs eat ivy
1: Mare, oats and goats, a little lamb to eat the oats eat ivy
2: Mare, a little lamb to eat oats and goats, the ivy oats is
3: Mare, lamb to eat oats and goats is the ivy of oats
4: Mare, lamb, and eat oats and goats, is the ivy of oats
5: Mare, lamb, eat the oats and goats, is the ivy of oats

As you can see the last one is the best example... Adding punctuation seems to help a little.

Well... That's it for now! Hope you enjoyed this post!

As always... Thanx for reading!!!

Have a great day!!!!!


1~22~2016: Next Spotlight Review Wednesday: Anime 1~27~2016

Recently I have been looking up the poems I had published LONG AGO... Yes I had some published in real books... A few were even put on CD. They have my real name on them though (Not sure how I feel about that since I don't know if I want to publish them under a pen name or not yet)... Let me know what you think of this one OK?

The Outcast

It was the first one the site ever published and it was put in a few books if I'm remembering right.
It's kind of magical to know your work is out there and people like it!

But now to what you really want to know right...
This week was really hard to figure out an anime that would be appealing to everyone... I still have no idea what types of anime you all want me to review! I hope this fits your tastes!!!

Without further adieu
Drum roll please!!!
The new Spotlight Review is...

Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta
It looks really interesting to me so I'm hoping you will like it too...

As always... Thanx for reading my posts!

Have an amazing weekend everyone!!!


Spotlight Review Wednesday: Manga 1~20~2016

Spotlight Review





Ardour is the biggest pop group there is right now. All of the members are hot guys that all the girls are going crazy for nowadays. Lian is a normal student who sorta watches MTV from time to time. But she has a father who works for a broadcasting company and now her friends who are big Ardour fans are asking her to go to her father and try to get autographs from the members of Ardour. But the thing is, she has no idea what these guys even look like.

Now for my review!!!

The Manga This week was found on this site...

MangaPark: Ardour

It is a pretty cool site since you can load the whole chapter at once if you want to! Like the Synopsis from AnimeList said, Ardour is a pop group... Our young lady really doesn't know them from a hole in the wall either! Here are a few pictures of the group with Lian!

I know they aren't the best pictures but it is really hard to find ones of them alone without spending hours going through pictures... There are a lot of other pictures that pop up for some reason...

Anyhow... As you can see from the bottom picture Lian Doesn't stay oblivious to them for long. She ends up having a very close relationship with one of them and even if that little romance hadn't happened she would have seen them all the time... Her dad made her their manager!!!

As such she ends up on a few adventures... Sort of... Well... To understand you will just have to read the manga! I do recommend reading it on MangaPark.

Now to rate it

On a scale of 1 to 10 with ten being a "perfect-must-read" rating I give this...

It didn't do too bad but for me it was just not something I would read over again... Finishing it is a different story though. I am going to finish it since it can go in so many directions still. I want to know what happens to the characters next lol

Hope you Like the review... An hope I have sparked an interest in "Ardour" for you.

As always... Thanx for reading what I've written!!!

Have an amazing day!!!


Have you ever...

Have you ever...

Have you ever stopped and wondered where the world is headed...

Have you ever wanted more than you have right now...

Have you worried over friends or loved ones???

We all have at one point or another right? That is what makes us human.. Or at least it is part of it!

I know your not used to such deep questions from me on here... I'm sure it is a bit of a shock too lol. Let me start to explain why I have gone so deep into my heart today...

I just finished watching an amazing anime... Well I feel it was amazing anyhow..

Don't worry this isn't going to turn into an anime review or anything... It's not Wednesday yet! I just wanted to tell you the name so you could look it up if you wanted to understand my state of mind a bit more than I intent to tell you.

Basically... It got me thinking of life and what it means to live... About all the "have you ever" questions out there that effect us all every day. The biggest one that I can tell so far is..

Have you ever wondered why you were born?

And to be honest I don't think there is one person over the age of 10 who hasn't wondered this... OK so maybe they made it to 20 before they were curious. We all want to have a purpose after all! And just like that... When we start to wonder about it... We start to figure out all the other "have you ever" questions one after the other. It's like Dominoes and each tile is a question pertaining to your life!

One by one they fall into place to make a picture... Or to tell a message to you...

It's incredible to think about how just one question can set everything in motion too...

Now don't get me wrong... I have had this question in my mind for a long time... And every time I start thinking about it I find a different answer... So this has lead me to believe one thing...

No matter how many times you find an answer... The next day, hour, or even minute you might find a different answer that fits. And sometimes something so simple as an anime might spark this question all over again... Then you start from square one again.

It's not a bad thing... It helps you to grow and become the person you are meant to be.

So I guess the point to this is that I want you to grow.. To question yourself...

To ask the dreaded "have you ever" questions of yourself!

I'll leave you with this thought to ponder..

As always... Thanx for reading and watching! Hope you enjoyed the post!
Have a wonderful day!!!


Spotlight Review Wednesday: Anime 1~13~2016

Spotlight Review


Diabolik Lovers

Yui Komori used to see dead people. But as troubling as past glimpses of spirits, poltergeists, and psychic phenomena may have been, they pale into insignificance compared to what she's about to discover once she's forced to transfer to a new school. Because it turns out that her own history is very different from what she thought it was, and she has a very different kind of family waiting for her.

Now she'll be sharing her living space with six very attractive young men, though not a single one is human. And while her new dorm mates may be brothers, and their attraction to her involves her bloodline, "brotherly" is the last word to describe their intentions. In moving from her father's church to becoming the object of six blood lusting young vampires' affections, Yui will undergo the most shocking, soul ripping and draining experience any teenage girl could imagine in her wildest fantasies... or most salacious nightmares.

This is the first season's synopsis... Here is the second seasons now...

Yui Komori may (or may not) have attained vampire status, but due to her inexplicable links to the Sakamaki clan her life remains somewhat unchanged. Yet troubled by new dreams and apparitions mentioning a mysterious "Eve," Yui's life is suddenly once again – quite literally – turned upside down when she and the Sakamaki brothers are involved in a fiery car crash. The incident heralds the appearance of four new vampires, the Mukami tribe, and to her dismay these dashing young men have their eyes and fangs set on Yui as well!

So now we can start...

My review!!!

The Anime this week was one that I was really curious about... I wanted to know if they would do things like the Manga or not. I reviewed the manga a while ago...
Here is a link to the post if you missed it...

Diabolik Lovers Manga Review

The first season elaborates greatly from what I can tell... Like the fact I was able to learn the boys name other than their last name! Also I feel like even though they bounce around like the manga did, they somehow manage to connect everything together better.

In season one Yui becomes the plaything of these 6 very sexy looking vampires...

Yes I used the Anime title picture... She doesn't completely hate it there either... If she did... she wouldn't have done what she did in the last episode that probably saved all their lives....

You have to watch it to find out what exactly she did!

Anyhow after she saves them all so dramatically she get to meet these young vamps in season two..

Needless to say... For a while she is their play thing for some big plan....Though she is quickly stolen back by her first playmates! However does she stay with team one or team two... You have to watch to understand!

Now to rate it

On a scale of 1 to 10 with ten being a "perfect-must-read" rating I give this...
Season two leaves us with a few surprises and makes us want season three already! I don't like that it skips around and seems like the episodes barely connect so I can't give it a 10... But it is one that I would watch many times over.. I like it that much!

Well I guess we will leave this here... When the season three comes out I will probably do a review on that too... I'll call it an Update Review or something... But that's a later story!

As always... Thanx for taking the time to read this!

Have a wonderful day!!!


Rice and Chopsticks: My findings...

Rice and Chopsticks!!!
(My findings... They could be totally wrong though!)

Ya I know it's a weird way to start a post... Let me explain!
A friend asked me a question about eating rice with chopsticks... She wanted to know if there was a special type of rice used when you wanted to use chopsticks instead of a fork or spoon. She has tried to make rice that she could use chopsticks with but said it falls or isn't "Sticky" enough to pick up with the chopsticks.

So here is what I found when I went looking..

I have looked up all kinds of info to see if there was any one type of rice used... The thing is that I have seen that people use all kinds of rice...Even long grain white rice! The consistency of the rice after cooking it is the key... From what I've read that is changed by how you cook it!
There is no one special kind of rice used!

You have to experiment with the type of rice you use and cook it so that it is a little sticky. This way you can easily pick up the rice. Most of the time it just means using a little less water than what is recommended. If you find it is too sticky you can add a little water and that should make it better.

I am by no means a great cook... And I also have trouble getting my rice to be the right consistency for chopsticks... However I will keep trying! Someday I will get it right lol.

When the rice is done right it should be able to be picked up like in this picture!

If you are not good at using chopsticks then eating rice will be difficult even if it is made right... I would recommend using a special type of chopsticks... they look like these two pictures...

They are children's chopsticks but they do come in adult sizes. Here is a set made for an adult...

Not too different from the kids ones just bigger as far as I can tell. I have never used the learner chopsticks so I can't say how easy they are to use or not... Though I will be buying a few pairs to help my children learn to use them. I'll let you know how they work when I can... But for now we will need to believe that they help!

As for manners when using chopsticks... There are a lot of things out there that teach you the proper do and don't rules. Just do a quick google search and you will turn up a LOT of helpful sites!

I hope this brought you some good information (Though I know I am no expert).

As always... Thanx for reading my posts!

Have a great day!!!


So amazing!!! (Combo Post)

Today I was looking at my stats for the blog... I just want to say Thank You to everyone who looks at or spends time reading and watching the things I write about!

This blog has an audience from around the world and I am so happy about that! It doesn't mater if it is one person or a million people... The fact that someone in another country has decided to look at my blog is a HUGE honor!!!

So Thank You to all of you that make it possible for me to feel this way!

Now Lets announce the first Anime review of 2016!!!

Drum roll please!!!
The new Spotlight Review is...
Diabolik Lovers
Yes you have seen this title before... BUT... This is the anime and I want to see if it is like the manga when it comes to the storyline. This means I will be watching the whose thing... Both seasons!

I can't wait to tell you all about it!

As always... Thanx for reading my posts!

Have an amazing weekend everyone!!!


Random Japanese...

Just a little something for you!

(Akemashite omedetōgozaimasu)
(Happy New Year)

(Thank you again this year.)

This is something said in Japan for New Years! I was told this by my pen-pal this year and thought it would be fun to share it... I know it is well past New Years but I wanted to be sure I translated it right and that I had the right kanji. (It's not easy for me to find them on my computer since it isn't a Japanese one and my skill at looking up and using the right ones sucks.)

I didn't see fireworks on New Years but I bet they were great!

I have a wish that everyone has a better time this year than last year... This is the last time I am going to mention New Years... It is time to move on to living the new year instead of talking about it!

I'm going to leave this post at this point...
Lets all Laugh more, Love without fear, and Live to the fullest!

As always... Thanx for reading this!

Have a great week!!!


Spotlight Review Wednesday: Manga 1~6~2016

This is the first Review of 2016!!!

So shall we start???

Spotlight Review


Hana Yori Dango

(Boys Over Flowers)


Tsukushi Makino, a working-class girl, attends an elite elevator school called Eitoku Academy, populated by children from rich, high-society families. She is the "weed" of the school surrounded by all the rich kids including the "Flower" Four (F4). The F4 leader and son of the wealthiest, most powerful family in Japan, Tsukasa Domyoji, takes an interest in Tsukushi, because she is the only girl at Eitoku who doesn't fawn over him. However, his hot-headed nature and bullying ways are originally a major turn-off for Tsukushi, who has her sights set on someone else.

Now for my review!!!

The Manga this week was read on MangaHere's app for the iPhone. I have to say that over all the app is a good one but it sometimes has issues loading the pages and there is no refresh button I can find. Other than that it is really a good app!

Because I couldn't tell when I had read to chapter 5 I ended up reading the whole first volume! It was a great story about fighting back and standing up for yourself and your friends!

Makino and the F4

This young girl fights the F4 to protect her friends! She really is something! The way they treat her is crazy!!! If you have ever been bullied (I have) then you understand just how hard it is to do what this little lady is making happen!

But wait... What is this... Romance???

You will have to read it to find out!!! Come on I can't spoil all the fun now can I???

Now to rate it

On a scale of 1 to 10 with ten being a "perfect-must-read" rating I give this...

This manga was one I could really relate to... And it is one I think will give people a bit of strength if they are currently being bullied! I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!!!

I like this Manga enough that I am adding a link to get to the book on Barns & Noble!

That's all for now! Hope you enjoy it!

As always... Thanx for taking the time to read this!

Have a wonderful day!!!


Happy New Year and..... New Author?


Thinking back over the year 2015 I have to say a lot has happened!

I never would have guessed that writing would be such a huge part of my life... at least not on a blog! I am still working on my book... Unfortunately I suffer from frequent and long bouts of writers block. I started writing in my blog again to end the writers block... Now I can't imagine not writing on here!

I've made some very special acquaintances as well! I don't know them too well yet... And they don't truly know much about me either... But... +Texan in Tokyo+Rachel & Jun+Sharla in Japan, This is my sincere wish! I hope we can become good friends!

I also added my first Guest Blogger to the vast amount of content I post about too... I look forward to having some wonderful posts from +Danielle Couture aka Danni!

Another thing that happened was my move back to New England! A bit ago I moved from Massachusetts to Texas... I really thought we would be there for a lot longer than we were... But here we are.... We moved back here around July or so... The date isn't important... The fact that we are in New Hampshire now is what counts. I'm not saying it's better or worse than Texas or Massachusetts... Just different. And... Different is good!

I know there is a good chance we will  move again in the future... So I'm gonna stay positive that each move will bring bigger and better things our way!!!

Now...Speaking of things to come... Since it is Friday... We need to announce the next Spotlight review. It's the first of the year and the first  Friday... So we can kick things off with a bang!

We are starting the year off with a Manga review!!! Drum roll please!!!
The new Spotlight Review is...
I'm really hoping that this year I can bring you reviews that you really want to read!!!
Let me know if you have one in mind for me to review... Time to go now!

As always... Thanx for reading my posts!
Have a great weekend everyone!!!