
Apology and explanations.... thanx for understanding

OK.... So this didn't work out as smoothly as I had planned!

Basically I was supposed to be able to have the reviews done on time this year... and instead I have missed more that 4 weeks in a row but I promise I didn't do it on purpose! DNR Imagry is taking off like a rocket ship and I have been so caught up in launching it with a friend that I have neglected most of my other projects. I can only say one thing to this...

I'm So Sorry!

Right now I may not be able to do the posts on an actual schedule. I'm really going to try though. I have a major project going right now though so I think I might be absent for a bit. Again I'm very sorry!!!

Wait... Have I even told you all about this whole thing? Probably not now that I think about it. So here is what happened. When I was building my computer I had to make a business account on the site I was getting the parts from. I named it DNR Imagry since I am an artist and it just fit. well that's all well and good but when I was talking to a friend he asked to see some of my art and the next thing I knew I was his corporations commissioned graphics artist! I make their business cards, company logos, and letterheads and when they start setting up any websites I will be in charge of the art for the sites.

Yeah I know... That's a huge deal, and because of that I have had a hard time with all the blog posts. Now that you all know what has been going on I want to say I will try my best to get posts out but IDK how often I will be able to pull it off at the moment. I am just one artist to my company I didn't know I was truly starting and I am already working for 10-15 hours in a day sometimes. IT'S CRAZY!

So again I am so sorry.. Thanx for understanding me and spending the time to read this post!
Hope you have a wonderful time until I write again!

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