
Spotlight Review Wednesday: Anime 6~19~2019

Spotlight Review
When Ryunosuke's pet cat dies in an accident, his inventor father "resurrects" the cat by placing its brain in an android body made in the form of a young girl. The Android, Nukunuku, has the dual purposes of being a companion/sister for Ryunosuke as well as being a bodyguard for his father. Nukunuku's extreme strength and feline agility are regularly needed to protect Ryunosuke and his father from Ryunusuke's mother who seeks to kidnap them both following her divorce from his father. Her motives towards Ryunusuke are simple motherly love, however her genius-inventor-ex-husband she wants to put to work designing weapons of mass destruction for her weapons company.

My review!!!

Before I give you the places it can be watched I want to tell you I'm giving you two links but they are to different things... One goes to the 6 episode DVD set and the other goes to the 12 episode TV series.

 The Anime can be watched here...
KissAnime: Nuku Nuku (12 ep.)

You can also watch it on YouTube... Here's a search I did for you all!

YouTube: Cat Girl Nuku Nuku

So this one goes back into my childhood... I watched this one when I was 15 with my ex-boyfriend. It was this anime that made me really love anime! The things she goes through are so touching. Think about it... She is a cat learning to be human while being a protector and friend... I loved every moment of this and even started to buy it on VHS. Now I wish I had bought it on DVD because it is almost impossible to find a house with a VHS tape player!

This was such a fun anime to watch when I was younger and aside from the annoying ads I enjoyed watching it now too! It was just as good as I remembered and watching it brought back lots of good memories!

On a scale of 1 to 10 with ten being a "Perfect-Must-Watch" rating I give this...
This one got the elusive 10!!! I'm probably a bit bias to this one though. After all it is a piece of my childhood so of course I am going to give it a higher rating. But to be honest it really is a good one... The art is a bit older style than you see now but not so old that it feels ancient. The story is cute and there are little lessons hidden within the episodes. All in all I think it's amazing.

And I'm going to end on this high note... Go check it out if you wanna see what I'm talking about... Let me know if you think the rating fits the show!

As always... Thanx for reading my review!
Hope you have a magical day!!!

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