
Spotlight Review Wednesday: Manga 8~19~2020


Spotlight Review
It is the year 20XX. Earth was assaulted by monsters that would come to be known as "the Enemy of Humanity." In order to deal with this threat, special schools comprised of teenagers with extraordinary abilities were formed. These people, who came to be known as "the Talented," had abilities that could defy the rules of reality. Among these people with supernatural powers was an outlier, an individual who was sent to one of these schools despite having no innate special abilities whatsoever. This is the story of our protagonist, who attempts to defeat the Enemies of Humanity through the use of intelligence and manipulation alone.

My review!!!

The Manga can be read here...

What a title right? You would think this was similar to the webtoon Unordinary but from what I have seen in the first 5 chapters it is soooo different! This one is full of death! already two are missing or dead but since no bodies are found yet I can't say which it is... And that Nana.... She isn't as talentless as she seems! But I won't tell you what her talent its... You need to read to figure out what I am talking about! But let me tell you one thing about it....

Her talent is something we could do in real life!

She really threw me for a loop with her talent... I was like... Wait a minute! I can do that if I try or study really hard! So does it really count as a talent? I have yet to find out if they end up counting it as one. But while we wait let me tell you this one's rating... You should tell me if you guessed it right!

On a scale of 1 to 10 with ten being a "Perfect-Must-Read" rating I give this...
So Here's the deal.... The art is great in this one... Clean lines and easy to read... The story is well thought out and I have a feeling everything will be answered in the end so I have no questions as of right now... When it comes to a sequel... There are already over 50 volumes so I'd say it can go on for a while! The only reason it didn't get a full 10 is because I had a hard time loading it. Not the manga's fault but it does affect how it rates. After all if I can't load it anywhere it will aggravate me and I may not want to buy it.

For those who do want to buy it I have a link here...

For those who want to try the sites above... You need to be sure you use a tablet with crunchyroll manga on it or you need to use a web browser that allows Java still. (Chrome doesn't allow it if you didn't know.) I ended up just using my iPhone to read it so I didn't have too much of a problem but some people don't like to do that so I thought I would throw all this out there for you.

Over all though it is an amazing manga and I highly recommend it!

As always... Thanx for reading my review!
Hope you have a wonderful and relaxing day!!!

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