
28 day Planking Challenge Conclusion...

A while ago I posted a challenge for everyone and told them I would be doing it to... If you forgot about what I'm talking about here is a link to that post...

Now yesterday was technically the 28th day but I don't post things over the weekend so I'm writing it for today. I have to say this challenge was a LOT harder than I thought it would be!!! I also have to admit I wasn't able to finish it. About half way through it... Around the days we were to start the 90 second planking... My oldest daughter who is only 6 had to go in for an unexpected surgery. She had to have her appendix removed! Needless to say that and the care she needed after the surgery took full attention and I completely forgot to do the challenge. Sorry!!!

As for trying it again... I probably will at some point however tomorrow I go in for the first of two surgeries so I won't able to do this for a while.

Please keep me in your thoughts that nothing goes wrong! Thanx in advance!!!

I am trying to write a few blogs ahead of time to be sure that I always have a post out but there may be a laps in posts. If that happens I will post an explanation as soon as I can. I'm not writing Friday's post ahead of time since I'm not sure I'll be able to write the review in time because it takes me a while to watch or read what I need to for it. I will write the announcement of the next spotlight review on Friday if I can and if I can't then I will explain why I can't...

Sorry in advance for if this should happen!

Also a bit of an update for you... Last week I told you all that Sharla From Sharla in Japan hadn't yet given me the ok to use her videos... Great news... as of yesterday I got the ok!!! yay!!! Sooooo... I hope you enjoy her videos as much as I do!!!

That's all for now! I can't wait to hear what you think of the new stuff!!!

Hope to be back in person before to long! Have a great day!!!

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