
Have you ever...

Have you ever...

Have you ever stopped and wondered where the world is headed...

Have you ever wanted more than you have right now...

Have you worried over friends or loved ones???

We all have at one point or another right? That is what makes us human.. Or at least it is part of it!

I know your not used to such deep questions from me on here... I'm sure it is a bit of a shock too lol. Let me start to explain why I have gone so deep into my heart today...

I just finished watching an amazing anime... Well I feel it was amazing anyhow..

Don't worry this isn't going to turn into an anime review or anything... It's not Wednesday yet! I just wanted to tell you the name so you could look it up if you wanted to understand my state of mind a bit more than I intent to tell you.

Basically... It got me thinking of life and what it means to live... About all the "have you ever" questions out there that effect us all every day. The biggest one that I can tell so far is..

Have you ever wondered why you were born?

And to be honest I don't think there is one person over the age of 10 who hasn't wondered this... OK so maybe they made it to 20 before they were curious. We all want to have a purpose after all! And just like that... When we start to wonder about it... We start to figure out all the other "have you ever" questions one after the other. It's like Dominoes and each tile is a question pertaining to your life!

One by one they fall into place to make a picture... Or to tell a message to you...

It's incredible to think about how just one question can set everything in motion too...

Now don't get me wrong... I have had this question in my mind for a long time... And every time I start thinking about it I find a different answer... So this has lead me to believe one thing...

No matter how many times you find an answer... The next day, hour, or even minute you might find a different answer that fits. And sometimes something so simple as an anime might spark this question all over again... Then you start from square one again.

It's not a bad thing... It helps you to grow and become the person you are meant to be.

So I guess the point to this is that I want you to grow.. To question yourself...

To ask the dreaded "have you ever" questions of yourself!

I'll leave you with this thought to ponder..

As always... Thanx for reading and watching! Hope you enjoyed the post!
Have a wonderful day!!!

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